Sunday 31 May 2009


Friends come in all shapes and sizes and calibre. I could mean this literally, if you gave it some thought.

It's crazy how you can go from acquaintances to really good friends in a couple of conversations, like you've known them for years.
It's crazy how sometimes your friend can finish your line off for you, like they had read your mind.
It's crazy how you can predict almost exactly what the text from your friend that's just bleeped on your phone will say, right down to the full stop.
It's crazy how you can just sit in silence, but it's alright, 'cause you just chillin'.
It's crazy how you can love and hate your friends at the same time.

It's crazy how my best friends differ from eachother. Ranging from sisters to ex boyfriends to people who are 3 years younger, 3 years older, flatmates and fellow musicians. They're all different yet really great.

I don't know why I felt the need to post this.



Things Learnt Today: Your chest needs covering in suncream aswell as your stomach. Which wise guy ordered that Lawwwwwwb-ster?
Song of the Day: Butterfly - Jason Mraz 

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Trip to Birmingham



Things Learnt Today: Massive hair actually is ok.
Song of the Day: Ave Mary A - Pink

Recital Night

BMus 1 is OVERRRRR. For now.


Things Learnt Today (on that day): Bow, put things down, shuffle music, speak, play. 

Song of the Day: Move Your Feet - Junior Senior

Sunday 17 May 2009

I better start practising what I preach. (Getting a terrible case of the "I Told You So")

It's only 3 days until my recital and I've messed up my hand big time. It's getting back at me by sending shooting pains up my arm. THANKSSS. I'm looking forward to my recital, hopefully my hand will stop impersonating Everest by this point.

On a lighter note, the United Kingdom came 5th in Eurovision! We thought Norway was a cutie though, and very good at the fiddle.

Today looks like it's going to be full of nothing. Jess was meant to be home approx 51 minutes ago. So far no show.


P.s "If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it!"


Pretty isn't it?

Things Learnt Today: I'm learning to practise without playing. This is long overdue.
Song of the Day: She's My Winona - Fall Out Boy. Also long overdue to appear on the Blog playlist.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

It's been a while

Well, I've had blogspot for a year now. How much have I changed in a year?
Well, for starters, now I can take some vaguely interesting pictures and for them to be some relevance to what's going on around me. The rest?

1. The biggy, I've moved out. Left the nest and all that. I now live in Cardiff, the capital of Wales, so technically I've moved countries. Seemed impossible to do beforehand but now I've done it, to be fair, it's brilliant.

2. I've learnt to cook. Or so I think. I'm a little indecisive about why I have a huge stomach cramp right now. And I just had cuppasoup for lunch. I can make a mean curry.

3. I can look after myself, just about.

4. I've found my limit with alcohol, a little too late, but early enough. Basically if I'm not hanging over the toilet thinking "WHY GOD WHYYY" then it's been a good night.

5. I've learnt to socialise. Being surrounded by peeps all the time means you actually have to talk and it's not all that bad. Haha.

6. Relationships and boys aren't the be all and end all of all existence. I've come here for a reason and if it works, it works. It sure isn't at the moment.

7. I can actually play the saxophone now. Haha.

8. I can handle my finances decently. I haven't touched my overdraft yet. (Y).

9. If you want it, work at it and you'll get it.

10. Carpe Diem. Seize the day.

Things Learnt Today: Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT put your cup of tea in the microwave for 5 minutes. I don't think I have to elaborate.

Song of the Day: Promiscuous Girl - Nelly Furtado